To create your rotation

  1. Touch the “plus” sign at the top right corner of the “Calendar” screen.
  2. At the “Create Rotation” screen enter:
    1. The name for your rotation
    2. The Start date of the rotation
    3. The End date of the rotation.
  3. Touch the “Enter Shift” line on your screen to enter more information on your shift.
  4. At the “Enter Shift” screen enter:
    1. Touch the “Sun” symbol to change the icon for your shift.
    2. Enter the appropriate Start and End time for your shift.
    3. Enter the number of Days On and Days Off. Touch the “Plus” sign for more entries.
    4. When finished click “Done” to return to the “Create Rotation” screen.
  5. Click “Save” at the “Create Rotation” screen to generate and save the entered rotation.
  6. Saving takes you back to the “Calendar” screen, allowing you to view your shift schedule.

Modify an existing rotation

  1. Select the “Summary” tab of the main screen.
  2. Select a rotation to modify.
  3. Follow the instructions above for creating a rotation to edit an existing rotation.
  4. Warning: Modifying and saving an existing rotation will cause all previous shifts associated with that rotation to be deleted and a new set of shifts to be created.

    To add an extra shift (pick-up) outside your regular rotation

  1. Select the date on the “Calendar” screen and touch the “Add Shift” button at the top left corner of the “Calendar” screen.
  2. Enter information for extra shift.